Welcome to the Hookers and Pullers Golf Society, based in Hertford, Hertfordshire. The Hookers and Pullers Golf Society play various courses around Hertfordshire. The Society was formed in January 2003. If you would like to join and play in one of our friendly meetings, please get in touch.
Also, if you would like to challenge the Hookers and Pullers Golf Society to any competitions,which would hopefully include a couple of refreshing ales, then please also get in touch with us.
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Looking for a lost ball....
We've all lost a ball or two on the golf course, and sometimes it's been lost in plain sight of everyone. Sometimes you're lucky and you find it and other times you find everybody else's ball including that old Donnay Titanium.
Well here's a quickie on where to look for your ball...
If you've looked on the Fairway and you can't find your ball,
And you've looked in the rough and the grass is too tall.
If you've looked in a ditch and given up all hope
And the water is too deep to have a grope
Take a look in a TREE.
Dyrham Park Golf and Country Club saw Stuart and Phil look everywhere for Phil�s ball and all to no avail. It was eventually found, guess where, yes you�re right, in a tree.
So what's the rule in this case? Quite simply you take a chainsaw, saw the tree down, have the green keepers clear it away, relay new turf, wait for it to grow, have it mown and rolled and hey presto you have the perfect lie. The only snag is it takes 6 months � there goes the four hour round theory.
Alternatively, under penalty of one stroke, (a) drop within two club-lengths of where the ball lies not nearer the hole, (b) drop any distance behind the point where the ball lay keeping a straight line between the hole, the point where the ball lay and the spot on which the ball is dropped, or (c) replay the shot.